I played in the Planetside beta but didn’t want to pay for it when it was officially released. I thought it was alot of fun but not worth $15 a month. Recently Sony has released a free version which allows people to play and level their character up to a certain threshhold. If you want to go any farther then you need to register. I think it’s a great idea to try to garner interest in a MMOFPS game. If anyone wants to pick it up and play I’m downloading it as I type this and would be more then open to playing with people I know!
Once I play for a bit I’ll write a review, I’m curious to see how the game has changed from late beta to its present incarnation.
Just a heads up – download on a cable connection takes approximately 5-6 hours.
I’ll be all over that like stink on a con-gamer!
I’ll give this a try — what server are you guys thinking?
I’m on the east coast server part of the vanu sovereignty. I’d be fine with rejoining any of them though. Let me tell you though, for the first 2 hours I played I died 25 times and got 1 kill. Then I got in a tank with some random guy, joined a massive offensive and had soon got my kills and deaths even. One of the better moments was when we (the tank I was gunning for and 6 or so other heavy tanks) crested a hill followed by air support and a small legion of infantry to meet 3 or 4 of the terran heavy mechs and sundry lighter vehicles. Needless to say a massive battle erupted and it was awesome. Somehow we managed to survive this battle and got some needed repairs and forged onwards until a reinforced wave of terran air support drove us back. Tanks versus helicopter = bad for the tanks. Eventually we got some anti-air ground cover working and got back into the fight. This went on for about 45 minutes or so until I got a phone call and realized I needed to stop playing games.
A couple lessons I’ve learned – don’t be an infantryman for long, it sucks, you just die alot and all of the Vanu weapons seem to suck the big one.
Sniper rifles are worse then useless. To get rid of the “AWP Syndrome” you encounter in counterstrike they have made the sniper rifles ridiculously weak and innacurate.
“A couple lessons I’ve learned – don’t be an infantryman for long, it sucks, you just die alot and all of the Vanu weapons seem to suck the big one.”
Kind of like real life, I’d think.
I’ll join in on this too. Tell me what server.
East coast – Vanu Sovereignty
Unless someone quickly speaks up to be terran republic or new conglomerate
I’m on there too, if we actually have 3-4 people who are playing it (at least to try it out) then we should get together and group up.
Time to start sharing character names then!
I’ll share mine as soon as I have one.
I’m joshx0rfz.
Well as far as being an infantryman goes, yes it’s a bad profession, but you get all the action:)
Codename: McScott
Same as my name on here, just for simplicity’s sake.