So, I was looking at some site (probably slashdot or boingboing, where I find most of the stuff I find interesting) and ran across this article on Wal-Mart and the influence it has on the gaming industry. It’s pretty well written and I recommend reading it. Here is a brief synopsis – “Big corporation bad!”. It’s bit more complex then that and also gives a fair treatment of the subject. This got me thinking about video games (or any games) as a form of art and the wish to be protected under first amendment rights. If the video game industry is to flourish as a form of art it needs to avoid such heavy handed financial clout. Of course, it costs alot of money to make a video game, but whoever said artists were supposed to be wealthy?
I like that it touches on how episodic content can allow for reaction to customer feedback, which allows for gradual improvement of a product. That’s what I hope our society is heading toward, using technology to further improve our lives day-by-day rather then hurt it.