Enter Oblivion and welcome the dearth of posts it brings. Enter not 3rd person, you will realize how foolish and insipid your character looks when he moves! Fear the horse, for it is slow and unwieldy. Enter not 3rd person whilst riding upon thy horse, you will notice again how foolish and insipid your character looks when he moves. Jump not with thy horse, it is foolish.
Keep thyself in first person for they framerate will remain high! Needst thou peerest around yon corner? Prepare to be vexed! Enter 3rd person, but for the briefest moment. Pine for a lean key! Oh ye lean key of sensibility! Why hast thou forsaken me?
Note the lack of original conversation between NPCs! Rejoice in this embrace of reality! For most people have nothing important to say, Oblivion maintains the illusion of reality!
I could go on for a while, but basically it’s a great game with some annoying bits of imperfection. I’d give it a 9. Which on the Stupididotron scale of -90 to +90 is approximately a 72!
Stupidtron!? Stupidotron?! How dare you!
Before calling my Innovative System of everything stupid consider learning what dearth means.
dearth- A scarce supply; a lack.
So, you’re saying people are going to busy not-posting about it?
I know exactly what it means, notice the lack of posts on Critical-hits. Before you start criticizing the meaning of a word, think about the possible context. Also, make sure you have decent grammar when you make lexicographic commentary.
I’m pretty sure the Main Event didn’t even invent that system? I’m also pretty sure that you guys are fighting about really, really stupid things.
I agree with the “review”, though I think that pointing out a game which was designed for first person plays better in first person should go without saying. It’s like saying you should play Warcraft III zoomed all the way in.
“Enter Oblivion and welcome the dearth of posts it brings”
Well, considering the utter lack of posts recently, I would qualify your article as the exact opposite of dearth.
Secondly, I did invent the system.
Thirdly, this is a glut of posts on this article.
Not a dearth.
It’s really simple: Oblivion came out, and around the same time there was a week or so where nothing was posted. That justifies his opening statement completely. Now stop being a douche.
Bartoneus is correct as to the intended meaning of the word. Instead of trying to make me look like a fool you could try to point out the merits of the -90 to + 90 system. Welcome to rational debate 100.
Here is an excellent idea, to counter the dearth of posts on critical-hits lately you could write an article about it! I would of course comment that any rating system is totally arbitrary and much like the celsius and fahrenheit scales can be converted between and have the exact same meaning.
Your mom can be converted between and have the exact same meaning.
I think the problem lies is your assumptions.
First, you assume that everyone is masturbating over or Oblviion, or is aware that the writers are. I was not. You can react a few ways to this:
1. Chalk it up to me being stupid.
2. Consider that your average reader, that is not ‘on the inside’ may not have information to contextualize this reference. Inside Jokes are great when you’re on the inside.
Shh, you guys are showing weakness in front of “the enemy.” 😉
Debate the merits of the review, debate the merits/flaws of The System, debate the word “dearth” (which oddly I’ve done three times in the past month with different people), but please keep the personal attacks, even on grammar and whatnot, to a minimum. Thanks.
Yeah, I mean, that other site has so much strenght with its three writers circle-jerking each other constantly. At least people here have heart, soul, and originality.
The Main Event smells like socks. Freshly washed socks, but socks nonetheless!