Fiending for my sci-fi junk, I shot up this remake of a childhood favorite. Granted it IS better than the original, but not so much so I’d recommend you running out and purchasing one of your own, even from a secondhand store such as I did. There are certainly moments of interest: the Armatage III-esque mating of man and machine, machines finding God, machines capable of greater humanity than humanity is sometimes. But none of these is treated in a newer, brighter light than what has been shone into these dark corridors of futurism before. It’s like Ghost in the Shell ‘s inane passes at philosophy. If I want to watch living sentient ships, I’d rather be on board Moya any day of the week. My classmate picked up Blade Runner for £5. Guess I’m the sucker.
Whoa, you’re crazy. Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorite science fiction shows. Not for the reasons you list, but because it’s the most interesting character-driven shows out there.
It also throws constant twists and turns at you. The whole thing is sort of like if soap operas were good, and in space.
Granted, season 1 has some real weak moments, but by the end really kicks up, and sends you sailing into the awesomeness that is Season 2.
Further evidence:
I watch two shows on television (neither consistently because I’m bad at watching TV), West Wing and Battlestar Galactica. It really is an excellent series from what I’ve seen. I hate the doctor, that guy is a douche.
Yay disjointed thought!
well to be fair… I AM rather intrigues as to where they took it from there.. yeah the doctor’s a complete dousche (he DID let the cylons in, didn’t ‘e?) but I think he’s my favorite character. Only one step below him in douchedom is the admiral. He should so be removed from command. Sorry, shoulda left starbuck behind, best pilot or no. and hey- is that the originnal apollo playing the criminal politician?
Yep, the original Apollo plays Tom Zerrick.
I like the doctor too. Every show needs a character that doesn’t get angry, he’s just always angry.
It’s hard to pick a favorite character in a show where the concept is that all the characters are very flawed. It makes it compelling and more relatable, but very few “YAH! GET ‘EM!” moments.
By “the doctor”, do people mean Doctor Baltar, the guy who slept with a Cylon and now sees her in his head, or the medical doctor on the Galactica who chainsmokes and has a gruff demeanor?
*I* was talking baltar. slept with a cylon? ..aaaaahhh. The series doesn’t really let you know what happened previously… not really an ideal starting point, I guess there was.. a mini-series? so will the Helo or whoever on the planet start to have the hallucinations, too? and why, after spending so much time and discovering the girl to be a Cylon after all, would he be so damn quick to trust starbuck? I mean, c’mon that’s shitty motivational writing if e’er i’ve seen it. I’ll see about season 2, but i’m only gonna rent this time. 🙂
While I was talking about Doc Cottle, the medical doctor.
The motivation for trusting Starbuck made sense for me. It’d be pretty unlikely that Starbuck would tackle another Cylon and retrieve an artifact that the humans wanted. But again, yes, watch Season 2. You could do what I do and download them.
Grunt: “Sir, our ships have been lost in Cylon territory…it looks like it could be a trap!”
Captain Guy: “Cylon territory…hmm, they’re known for their clever traps and set ups…those bastards!”
Grunt: “Shall we consider it a trap?”
Captain Guy: “NONSENSE! It couldn’t be a trap, let’s go get our ships!”
Thanks for the spoiler warnings jerks.