If we’re talking about comic books to movie trailors, please allow me to share a trailer that gets my erectile tissues fully engourged. If you’ve not read the comic, GO READ IT. It’s Alan Moore for chrissakes, you can’t ask for much more. Moore. This is definitely one on your must-read list. Along with 1984. You know, a book. That doesn’t have pictures.
It’s unfortunate that Alan Moore gets pissed off about just about anything mainstream that happens to his comics, which is his right really, but still, man, either endorse your work and get involved or kill the bastards that try to make a movie out of it if you don’t like it.
Books…without…pictures? WHAT?!
The Alan Moore situation is a little more complicated than that. He doesn’t have control to say what of his stuff gets made into a movie and what doesn’t, the comic companies do. (With his newer stuff, he was able to make sure he has creative control) and you have guys like Joel Silver lying and saying “Oh yeah, we gave the script to Alan, and he loved it.” I’d be pissed too, but at least he hasn’t gone as far to bring elaborate legal cases against these companies, and is letting his cocreators get the profits (since they probably need it more than The Best Comic Writer Ever.)
Besides, a lot of his stuff really doesn’t translate well. It’s impossible to transfer a lot of the genius nuances that his scripts have from comics to another medium… it’s why I’m happy that the Watchman movie keeps getting killed.
As for V itself… well, I like the cast, but not the people behind the scenes. I’ll see it anyway, of course, but I’m not particularly looking forward to it (unlike Batman Begins which had me quivering thanks to the screenwriter and director… and me quivering is not a pretty sight)
Quivering… in a good way, or a bad way.