I’m sure it seemed to make perfect sense at first, but in practice the idea turned out to bring nothing but the apocalypse. In the development of every Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game people must have thought about it thoroughly. I mean, after all, it IS a game of playing roles. So how could such an innocent, completely logical idea turn into the harbinger of pain, death and destruction?
Many players flock to these certain servers in every game on the market, seeking adventure, excitement, and a little bit of good ol’ fashioned ‘RP’. Unfortunately this experience is often an over-fattened swine of a concept, going little further then ramblings such as “OMG it’s an RP server people will play fear at my uber-l33tist itms & gear!!!11!!” Not to be deterred, I eagerly jumped into the experience with high hopes. Little did I suspect to quickly be confronted by a butt naked pirate-gnome named Paulette, demanding I submit to his domination and utter love-slaving. I say this in defense of my actions, as I did every little dirty thing he said, solely and completely out of shock from the encounter. Polygons have never made me cry so fiercely as that night.
The decadence brought on by such a foul machination as an RP server corrupts far deeper then this, however. Living myself in the apparent blessing of a two WoW account household, I cringed in terror at the back of my closet shortly after beginning to play on this server. Coming out only to spear-hunt for food and urinate. The living room had since taken to periodically erupting into loud, Orcish chanting and expletives. It seemed that the idea of a Roleplaying server had gone completely to my partner’s head. Not content with simple Orc grunting, I would sit down to dinner only to hide under the table at the sounds of an impending Quillboar or Murloc attack. That’s right, I’m not talking about the game sounds, I’m talking about her, physically and quite vocally, squealing like a quillboar on the charge.
Our lives have degraded to the most utter of lifestyles. I, like the kobolds of northern Elwynn Forest, go about my humble scavengings unawares of the world around me. While she stalks the plains of the living room with pet Guinea Pig in tow, bow and arrow at the ready. I continue, not caring about her, because I’m not an aggro kind of mob, my peaceful existence soon to be interrupted with the blood and screaming of utter gankage. My only consolation comes from the fact that the Murlocs have not yet taken the bathroom as their domain, and that human vocal cords were not designed to mimic their ghastly, gurgling battle cries.
Thus I abhor you, RP Server, you and all your kind. For forcing it on me to imagine what the world would be like if people went into an herbal store and exclaimed, “WTB Epic Wang!” Worse yet is being at a party and hearing “LFG beer run”, or “WTS Epic Wang!” Nay, such fear and hardship does not dissuade me; I press onward eager to read the worst of Jamaican accents from every Troll this side of Durotar.
You’re right. RP servers may seem stupid as a whole. But all the rolplaying goes on within guilds. It’s like moving somewhere completely foriegn to you and trying to roleplay with complete strangers: uncomfortable and awkward. Therefore, I wouldn’t ever expect any RPing going on in the Orgrimarr general channel. Plus, the maturity level increases once you’re past the n00b zones since the chitlens from the PvP servers get bored and roll characters on RP servers just to bother the RPer’s. Albeit I don’t think my fiance ever has to worry about hearing Orcish warcries within our place…..or murloc gargles coming from the bathroom………….yet.