As recent, empirical, all-encompassing, and many other large-worded descriptors data proves, Lost is by far the best television show ever. The data to which I refer, of course, is the fact that I-tunes top 100 downloaded video list is dominated by the current season of Lost. As we all know quite well, I-tunes is basically a social barometer for everything that’s ever existed.
If I want to check the weather, I go to I-tunes. Have some stocks on the market? Check I-tunes. Need to sell your third Jamaican Prostitue named Jamayalana because the other two keep stealing her drugs and calling her a Jive Turkey? Well honestly E-bay would probably be better for that, but you should probably check I-tunes anyway to find out which television show is the best ever to be made. That’s Lost. Seriously, it’s good. The show’s creators have admitted to using heavy comicbook inspiration, which leads to wonderful pacing of episodes and plotlines, as well as cliffhangers at the end of almost every episode which will have you clawing out the eyes of your pets just to see if they do indeed look into the future. (Don’t do that, Animals are our friends and I don’t want PETA to throw giblets at me from a cow that they probably molested and then gibbed with a rocket launcher.)
Not to mention the use of utterly plot dependant elements, there are entire characters on the show that only show up when it’s convenient. As well as a giant monster-machine-dinosaur-demon-ghost-cabbage-monster which has really only been in a 3rd of the episodes, yet everyone’s scared of it and it has killed at least one person. This ruddy crew of castaways won’t let that stop them from running into the woods alone time and time again though, preferably scantilly clad. Sometimes they chase the dog (which will most likely turn out to speak English just like everyone else in the show), others they run into the woods for absolutely no reason at all.
Jack: Good morning, we sure are starting a lovely society here on the island, aren’t we?
Kate: I’m hot, and will now proceed to strip down to my undies and run into the forest!
Jin: I speak English in dream sequences!!!
Jack: I shall now run into the forest, significantly enough after Kate, so that we are both running into the forest more-or-less alone. Good thing I’m a main character and they decided -not- to kill me in the pilot episode. Now i’m INVINCIBLE!
Add to this equation a smattering of guns, polar bears, creepy french radio broadcasts, a whole ton-load of numerology, and some more almost-naked Evangeline Lilly. = Best Show on TV. (< notice the period)
The secrets and mysteries on this show are so insane that the creators themselves probably don’t even know what’s going on. I’m fairly sure they are actually evil geniuses, using a giant-electromagnetic device to mysteriously crach a huge commercial plane into a remote, deserted island and simply film the outcome and resulting freaking sweet plot twists. The polar bear was probably imported from the DC zoo, which will really be a bummer when the survivors find this out. You might have thought it was something cool like the island moving, or geo-thermal cooling of the island. NOPE, DC-National Zoo. More problems arise when you consider the possibilities of continuing seasons for the show. I sense a lack of empathy for the cast’s plight when they open the first branch of Hatch-Island Bank and ATM, next to the Nudy-bar and French Lady’s convenience store/armory.
I agree, because 24 is not on right now.
I’m torn between the two for best show on television.