In Comics: Infinite Crisis. I’m a total DC whore, and they’ve totally hooked me with all the lead in stuff, even if it varies drastically in quality. It’ll be good to see where it all has been heading, especially when they’ve got writers I enjoy like Judd Winnick and Geoff Johns onboard, but mostly looking forward to the direction put in by Grant Morrison…
In Tabletop Games: Mall of Horror. A friend of mine played this at Gencon, and said it’s a great cutthroat negotiation game based that is also a survival horror zombie game. A zombie game with actual good mechanics? What a concept!
In RPGs: Heroes of Horror for D&D. OK, the previous supplement of its type for D&D didn’t fill me with tons of new ideas. But come on, a sourcebook on adding horror to D&D? That’s good stuff. If it’s anywhere as good as the GM advice sections in the Call of Cthulhu d20 book, I’ll be happy with it.
In Music: New Death Cab for Cutie. I really like DCfC, but like the Postal Service better, so hopefully the collaboration will mean the new DCfC will incorporate stuff I liked from Postal Service…
In Movies: I saw Serenity, and lo it was good, but a whole pile of stuff came out at once that I want to see. Top of the list is probably Mirrormask, followed by Corpse Bride, and then A History of Violence. Once I get those out of my system, I think the rest of October can be spent watching older horror movies.
How about you? What are you looking forward to this month?
On the other hand, I am a near total puppet of marvel. While I read the occassional DC comic, typically pertaining to Batman, there damn House of M crossover butt-rape of an event is coming to an end hopefully this month or early november. That’s what I’m waiting for.
As far as the horror genre, I’m getting angry that it is becoming the go-to genre for popularity these days. The more huge, tentacled monsters I see the closer we get to american-made live-action tentacle porn…
that’s a good thing, right?
After House of M there are THREE NEXT X-TITLES!!!!!11111
Generation M, X-Factor (relaunch), Excalibur (re-re-relaunch)
AND a new DEVASTATION crossover dealing with the aftermath!
Does anyone else just feel like Marvel panicked and Bendis to make an ‘awesome crossover’ once they got wind of DC’s plans?
While I’m all about Infinate Crisis, I actually can’t wait to start reading 52. It just seems like such a good idea.. in a weird and hard to grasp way.
Haven’t RP’d in months, not much to say there.
Love DeathCab, haven’t heard any Postal.
As far as the movies.
– If you’ve seen Firefly, you’ll love Serenity. If you haven’t, watch it before seeing Serenity. Sad but true.
– Mirrormask looks good. And it’s Neil G… duh.
– Corpse Bride was enjoyable, but if not for a Burton-Obsessed friend, I would have waited until DVD.
And those are my 2 bling
And yeah, I agree with Dennis, Marvel didn’t really think this whole House of M thing through quite to the same level as DC. Which is sad since Marvel was the House of Continuity once upon a yester-year. Now it’s just last minute half-assed attempts to outdo the clearly winning company.
Though I must admit.. new X-Books looks good, but I’m glimpsing back to the early-mid ninties, where Marvels focus seemed only on X-Men, they had 10 titles a month and the rest of their comics started to suck, leading to a little thing called bankrupsy.
I guess it’s true that history repeats itself. Oh well, at least DC will be turning out good stories for a while.
> here damn House of M crossover butt-rape
No, the butt-rape was at DC in Identity Crisis 🙂