Two weeks ago, closing out our week of homebrew related posts, Dave asked how much you like to change the rules of your RPGs. An impressive majority of you (71%) like to make a few minor tweaks to the systems but leave the rest of it relatively intact. The next largest number of you (17%) like to change around a decent amount of rules, while 7% of you like to play with the rules as written and the remaining 5% change the rules more than a decent amount to the point the game is completely different at the end. I voted for the minor tweaks option, because I’ve already started using some small changes to the 4E rules and generally tend to do the same thing to any system I’m running and I really enjoy it being done in games I play in as well.
As it is the first week of April, and luck has it that Dave is out of town and I am writing the Inquisition, I can happily continue my yearly trend of posting an inquisition around this time asking about everyone’s favorite summer movies! It’s actually a trend I stole from Dave, but I haven’t heard him complain about it in the last 3 years so I’ll keep doing it. Last year we saw movies like Star Trek, Terminator: Salvation, Up, and Inglorious Basterds and back in 2008 we had Iron Man, Hellboy 2, and The Dark Knight. By comparison this year looks to be a lot more slim pickings, but who can really say until all of the movies have been released and we know exactly what’s out there.
Kick-Ass – April 16th
The Losers – April 23rd
Iron Man 2 – May 7th
Robin Hood – May 14th
Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time – May 28th
The A-Team – June 11th
Jonah Hex – June 18th
Toy Story 3 – June 18th
The Last Airbender – July 2nd
Predators – July 7th
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World – August 13th
[poll id=”160″]
Unfortunately Tron: Legacy doesn’t come out until December of this year, so I can’t really put it on this list. Also we may have forgotten a movie in there somewhere, so if we did please tell us and hopefully we can add it in! Here’s a look back at our previous polls and the movies that won them (in order of votes recieved):
Summer Movies ’09 – Star Trek, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Transformers 2, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Terminator Salvation
Summer Movies ’08 – The Dark Knight, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Iron Man, Prince Caspian, Hellboy 2
Spring / Summer Movies (2007) – Spiderman 3, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Simpsons Movie
Way back in the fall of 2006 Dave talked about his favorite summer movie of the year, Snakes on a Plane, but we didn’t really post many polls back then.
Pretty bland summer movie season. Jonah Hex & Kick-Ass are definitely maybes, but I’m pretty bad about going to see movies these days
None of the summer movies really interest me (and don’t get me started on why I’m not going to see The Last Airbender, we’ll be here all month); the closest I’ve got to a must-see movie right now is Secret of Kells, and I’m still working out how to get to the single theater in my county with showings for that one. Why did it have to be so limited-release, anyway?
.-= Ravyn´s last blog ..Choosing a Viewpoint =-.
I’m no film connoisseur or anything so the lineup looks good to me. Looking forward to Toy Story, Iron Man and Price of Persia!
Probably half the list are movies I’m interested in seeing eventually, but probably not in the theater–things like Kick-Ass, Robin Hood, and Prince of Persia. The only one I’m really excited to see in the theater is Iron Man 2. Really looking forward to that one.
Yeah, other than Iron Man 2 the only movie I’m really, really eager to watch is Tron: Legacy.
.-= Dean´s last blog ..Campaign Lengths and When to Quit =-.
Looks like this “Robin Hood” movie would be a great movie to watch just like the movie about King Arthur.:'”