Last week, Bartoneus asked about what formats you watch your movies in. DVDs remain the king, with 86% of the vote. Online downloading/streaming comes in second with 52%, which I personally feel like is the way things are moving, and way better than having to actually purchase a physical object in a format that may later become obsolete. Blu-ray came in third with 23%, which is a higher amount of adoption than I’d expect. And speaking of obsolete, VHS only held an 8% lead in market share among our votes, and Beta or Laser Disc only had 2%. I’ve been vastly enjoying Netflix streaming lately, especially with the expanded TV offerings, and hope that the trend continues.
Can I just say, there are a crazy amount of video games that have been released lately that I want to play? I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum which had been out for a while now, and then a ton of new awesome games come out while I was working on it. I broke down after reading a lot of twittering and picked up New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Dragon Age: Origins on Sunday by trading in Fallout 3 and Left 4 Dead (the latter I expect to replace with the sequel, the former replaced by DAO and other RPGs). That still leaves a few games I want on my upcoming Bday/Xmas wishlist, and not enough time to play them all.
Simple enough question then:
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I would add more commentary, but I want to go play more Dragon Age… after all, I have to beat it before moving on to the next game, right?
The “some other game” is Uncharted 2 for PS3. Loved the first one – actually finished it! – and the second game looks just as cool.
can’t say I’m that big of a fan of video games…
I did download the Batman Arkham Asylum demo but haven’t played it yet…
.-= Lunatyk´s last blog ..Dungeons and Streetwise =-.
What? No Torchlight love?
And DA:O has jumped into my top 5 of all time! Above the gold box games even.
I just finished Batman: Arkham Asylum (yeah i’m pretty behind). Enjoyed the game, found it a hint short.
Looking forward to BioShock 2.
How is Dragon Age on 360? I finished it the other week on PC and had a pretty good time with it. 80 hours and only 50% completion makes me a bit sad.
The other game for me is actually Batman: Arkham Asylum. I didn’t get it when it came out because I was working my way through something else at the time, and then Dragon Age (PC) was released and ate my life whole. I beat it on my first run-through just before Thanksgiving, and am now debating whether to buy a new game, or play through one of my other 5 characters (I played all 6 origins already, but stopped at the beginning of Ostagar for 5 of them). Presuming I do get another game, it’ll either be Batman or Assassin’s Creed 2 next. I’m interested in Super Mario, but only in a “I’ll want to get that eventually” sort of way-I feel no great urgency to get it at once. The other options up there do nothing for me.