Well, I missed my first deadline by not posting feats last week. They ended up being more tricky than I thought. 4e and d20 feats all seem to be more combat-oriented, which was always my complaint with systems like Call of Cthulhu d20. Anyway, I had a hard time coming up with them, and it’s still something that’s going to require some thought on my part.
Tomorrow, though, is the big day: the very first playtest. To prepare, I had to come up with an adventure, character stories, and character sheets. In the process, I had to invent new powers and feats, which added some time. So posted here are 4 of the 5 characters that will be used tomorrow, sans backstories. Then next week, I’ll let you all know how it went.
Smart Hero
Str: 12 (+1) Con: 12 (+1) Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 18 (+4) Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 13 (+1)
HP: 12
HS: 2
Fort: 12 Ref: 16 Will: 13
Trained Skills:
- Technology (+9)
- Engineering (+9)
- Business (+9)
- Thievery (+6)
- Bluff (+6)
- Perception (+4)
- Investigations (+4)
Class Ability:
Choose one skill that you are trained in (Technology). The minimum result when you roll that skill is 10. In addition, anyone making a skill check of that skill that can see and hear you gains a bonus to that skill equal to your Int mod.
Chain Smoker
Whenever you spend an action point, you gain concealment until the end of your next turn.
Your first use of the Technology skill in a skill challenge gives you 2 successes if you succeed.
At-Will Powers:
Study Weakness
Standard Action
Int (+4) vs. Fort
Standard Action
Target: One creature in close range
Hit: The target grants combat advantage to your allies until the beginning of you next turn.
Smart Hero: Any allies that hit the target with an attack also deal extra damage equal to your Int mod.
Move Action
You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll with a ranged weapon this turn.
Smart Hero: You critical on the attack from 19-20.
Per Scene Powers
Flash of Inspiration
Per Scene
No Action
Trigger: You roll a d20 for a check and dislike the result.
Effect: You add 1d6 to the triggering roll.
Stay on Target
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: An ally within sight that can hear you misses with a per scene attack power.
Effect: The power is not expended. If the ally uses the same power again this turn, it gains a bonus to hit equal to your Int mod.
Per Session Power:
Always Prepared
Smart Hero
Standard Action
Effect: You produce an object that you can afford, reasonably own, and keep on your person.
Tough Hero
Str: 14 (+2) Con: 18 (+4) Dex: 10 (+0) Int: 11 (+0) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 13 (+1)
HP: 18
HS: 6
Fort: 17 Ref: 11 Will: 12
Trained Skills:
- Endurance (+9)
- Drive (+5)
- Engineering (+5) Specialization: Auto Repair (+7)
- Technology (+5)
- Bluff (+6)
Class Ability:
The Protector
Targets that you are in melee with take a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Con mod when they do not include you as a target.
You gain a +1 bonus to unarmed attack rolls, and it deals a base d8 damage plus your Str mod.
An Apple A Day
You gain a +5 to saving throws vs. disease.
At-Will Powers:
Standard Action
Str (+2) vs. Reflex
Hit: You push the target a step.
Tough Hero: You instead push the target a short distance.
Move Action
You move a medium distance and take a -5 penalty to all your checks this turn.
Tough Hero: The penalty to your checks is reduced by your Con mod (up to +0).
Per Scene Powers:
Remain Conscious
Immediate Interrupt
Per Scene
Trigger: You are knocked unconscious.
Effect: You can roll an immediate saving throw to avoid unconsciousness. If this is from an ongoing effect (such as being below 0 HP) you can roll this saving throw at the beginning of every round to avoid falling unconscious until you fail a saving throw.
Slow Motion Leap
Tough Hero
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: An ally within a short distance is hit by a ranged attack.
Effect: You move to the ally’s spot, and the ally is pushed out of the way. You take the damage and effect from the attack.
Per Session Power:
Takin’ It
Tough Hero
Immediate Reaction
Con (+4) vs. Fort
Trigger: You are attacked in Melee
Hit: 3d8 + 4
Miss: Half damage
Charismatic Hero
Str: 14 (+2) Con: 14 (+2) Dex: 14 (+2) Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 8 (-1) Cha: 16 (+3)
HP: 15
HS: 3
Fort: 14 Ref: 13 Will: 15
Trained Skills:
- Diplomacy (+8)
- Bluff (+8)
- Business (+6)
- Athletics (+7)
- Intimidate (+8)
- Theology (+6)
Inspiring Recovery
When you use your Inspiring Speech power, you can forgo the bonus to the healing surge to instead grant the target a saving throw.
Good Example
When you successfully roll a saving throw, any ally that can see you gains a bonus to any saving throw in the next round equal to your Cha mod.
At-Will Powers:
Standard Action
Cha vs. Will
Hit: The target can only take one action on its next turn.
Charismatic Hero: The next check made by the target in the next turn receive a penalty equal to your Cha mod.
Cha vs Will
Hit: You mark the target until the end of your next turn.
Charismatic Hero: The target moves towards you.
Per Scene:
Inspiring Speech
Per Scene
Minor Action
Target an ally within sight. That alley spends a healing surge and gains temporary HP equal to its value.
Savoir Faire
Per Scene
No Action
Trigger: You use a Charisma based check, skill, or power against another creature, and dislike the result.
Effect: Reroll the check, skill, or power.
Phone a Friend
Charismatic Hero
Standard Action
Special: You must have access to a phone, email, or similar.
Effect: For the purposes of one skill roll, you are considered trained in that skill. If you are already trained in that skill, you are considered to have been Aided By Another.
Per Session Power:
Imitoot You Exarctly
Charismatic Hero
Standard Action
Effect: Choose one person’s voice that you have heard. You can imitate it for the rest of the session. You still must make Bluff checks when appropriate, but you get a +5 bonus to rolls when impersonating the person.
Fast Hero
Str: 11 (+0) Con: 11 (+0) Dex: 18 (+4) Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 15 (+2)
HP: 12
HS: 1
Fort: 11 Ref: 17 Will: 13
Trained Skills:
- Acrobatics (+9)
- Drive (+9)
- Thievery (+9)
- Streetwise (+7)
- Science (+6)
Sneak Attack
When you attack with a light weapon and have combat advantage, you deal +2d6 damage.
Sticky Fingers
You may make Thievery checks as minor actions.
At-Will Powers:
Move Action
You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack roll with a ranged weapon this turn.
Fast Hero: The bonus is instead equal to your Dex mod.
Move Action
You move a medium distance and take a -5 penalty to all your checks this turn.
Fast Hero: You can instead move a long distance.
Per Scene:
Kip Up
Fast Hero
Dex vs Reflex
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: You are attacked in melee while prone
Effect: You stand up.
Hit: You deal damage to your attacker equal to 1[W] + your Dex mod.
Burst of Speed
Per Scene
Minor ActionGain a Move Action
Per Session Power:
Improbable Hiding Place
Fast Hero
Immediate Interrupt
Trigger: Someone comes into an area and doesn’t know you are there.
Effect: You can make a Stealth check, even if you’re not in a hiding spot.
Working my way through them, but one comment thus far. (You’re probably already playing, but whatever.)
– An Apple A Day
Disease uses Endurance checks, not saving throws.
.-= Graham´s last blog ..CriticalAnkleBites and ChattyDM pretend to be journalists =-.
Further comments:
Distract should probably say “the next check or attack”.
What action type is Taunt?
Why does the Charismatic Hero have 3 Scene powers? Or is one of those a class ability?
With hit points reduced as they are, Sneak Attack at +2d6 might be too potent. +1d6 may be better, but this would have to be looked at in playtesting to be sure.
.-= Graham´s last blog ..CriticalAnkleBites and ChattyDM pretend to be journalists =-.
stay on target: should probably be amended because some powers have an effect on a miss.
Effect: The power is not expended, and has no effect. If the ally uses the same power again this turn, it gains a bonus to hit equal to your Int mod.
It’s been a while since we got an update… What’s happened? I hope you haven’t lost interest.
Haven’t lost interest, update coming soon, I promise!