I reported live from the 35th Annual Origins Awards via the Critical Hits twitter feed, but here’s the results, with all the nominees and winners:
Play By Mail
- Atlas Games Play by Post Forums by Atlas Games
- Heldenwelt by SSV Klapf-Bachler OEG. (Austria)
- Hyborian War by Reality Simulations Inc.
- Starweb by Flying Buffalo Inc.
- The One Ring Legends Module by Harlequin Games
WINNER: Hyborian War
Collectible Card Game Rules or Expansion
- Chaotic: M’arrillian Invasion Beyond the Doors Booster Pack 8
TC Digital Games LLC
MRN, To Be Continued LLC, Sam Murakami, and David Baumgartner - Highlander the Card Game: Search for Vengeance 11
Mike Sager - Magic the Gathering: Shards of Alara 1
Wizards of the Coast
Bill Rose and Devin Low - Portal
Score Entertainment
Aik Tongtharadol, Josh Morris, Dan Posey, and Carl Braun - World of Warcraft the Trading Card Game: Servants of the Betrayer 2
Upper Deck
Mike Hummel, Antonio DeRosa, Ken Ho, Jeff Liu, and Patrick Sullivan
WINNER: Magic the Gathering: Shards of Alara 1
Children’s, Family, and Party Games
- Backseat Drawing
Out of the Box Publishing
Peggy Brown - duck! duck! Go!
APE Games
Kevin G. Nunn - Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The
Mongoose Publishing
James Wallis - Living Labyrinth
Bucephalus Games
Julie Haehn - Rorschach: The Inkbot Party Game
Bucephalus Games
Dan Tibbles, Jeremy Holcomb, Joe Huber, and Stephen McLaughlin - Say Anything
North Star Games
Dominic Craphuchettes and Satish Pillalamarri
WINNER: Say Anything
Historical Miniature Figure or Line
- 28mm Imperial Romans
WARLORD GAMES - King Philips War 28MM
Brigade Games Inc. - SS-Panzerdivision ‘Das Reich’ Panzerkompanie (GEAB06) [15mm Line]
Battlefront Games - 28mm Celts
WARLORD GAMES - 15mm Ancient Saxons
Splintered Light
WINNER: SS-Panzerdivision ‘Das Reich’ Panzerkompanie
Historical Miniature Figure Game Rules Supplement
- RISE OF ROME (Fields of Glory Supplement)
Osprey Publishing - Operation Cobra, The Normandy Breakout –FW206 Cobra FLAMES OF WAR
Battlefront Games - WWII Eastern Front Skirmish Scenarios
Test of Battle Games - AGE OF EAGLES: Napoleon Vs Europe 1813 – 14, AOE Scenario Book
Quantum Printing
WINNER: Rise of Rome Fields of Glory
Historical Miniature Figure Game Rules
- Fields of Glory Miniature Rules
Osprey Publishing / Slitherine Software
Richard Bodley-Scott - Volley & Bayonet: Road To Glory
Test of Battle Games
Frank Chadwick and Greg Novak - Cold Steel and Canister
Decker Game Company
Jack Decker - Song of Drums and Shakos
Ganesha Games
Andrea Sfiligoi - Chevauchee: Rules for Battles with Medieval Miniatures
Skirmisher Publishing LLC
Michael J. Varhola, Robert “Mac” McLaughlin, and the Skirmisher Games Development Group
WINNER: TIE between Fields of Glory and Songs of Drums and Shakos
Historical Board Games
- Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear
Academy Games
Uwe Eickert - Espana 1936
DEVIR US LLC / Phalanx
Antonio Catalain - The Battle of Monmouth
Clash of Arms Games
Rich Kane - The Campaigns of King David
Clash of Arms Games
Robert Markham - Pursuit of Glory
GMT Games
Brad Stock and Brian Stock
WINNER: Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear
- KOBOLD Guide to Game Design, Vol. 1
by Wolfgang Baur, Nicolas Logue
Open Design - Lost Leaves From the Inn of the Last Home
by Margaret Weis
Margaret Weis Productions - No Quarter Magazine
editor-in-chief Nathan Letsinger
Privateer Press - Things We Think About Games
by Will Hindmarch & Jeff Tidball
Gameplaywright Press - Tour de Lovecraft: the Tale
by Ken Hite
Atomic Overmind Press
WINNER: Tour de Lovecraft: The Tale
- Hungerblade
by Robin D Laws
Red Juggernaut Inc. - Infernal Sorceress
by Gary Gygax
Paizo Publishing - Killing Ground, The
by Graham McNeill
Black Library - Pirate King, The
by R.A. Salvatore
Wizards of the Coast - Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons Volume 2
edited by James Lowder & Mike O’Sullivan
Devil’s Due
WINNER: Worlds of Dungeons & Dragons Volume 2
Miniature Figure or Line of Miniature Figures
- Monsterpocalypse Collectible Miniature Game
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Bryan Cutler, Jason Soles, Rob Stoddard, and Kevin Clark - Star Wars Miniatures: The Clone Wars
Wizards of the Coast - WARMACHINE Steam-Powered Miniatures Combat
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Ron Kruzie, and Chris Walton - WH40K: Space Marines
Games Workshop - World of Warcraft Miniatures Game
Upper Deck Company
Justin Gary, David Baumgartner, John Fiorillo, Matt Hyra, and Anthony Shaheen
WINNER: Star Wars Miniatures: The Clone Wars
Miniature Figure Game Rules
- Classic Battletech: Tactical Operations
Catalyst Game Labs
Randall N. Bills and Herbert A Beas II - Monsterpocalypse Collectible Miniature Game
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Bryan Cutler, Jason Soles, Rob Stoddard, and Kevin Clark - WARMACHINE: Legends
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Jason Soles, and Rob Stoddard - WH40K: 5th Edition
Games Workshop
Alessio Cavatore - World of Warcraft Miniatures Game
Upper Deck Company
Justin Gary, David Baumgartner, John Fiorillo, Matt Hyra, and Anthony Shaheen
WINNER: Classic Battletech: Tactical Operations
Game Accessories
- Chibithulhu
Steve Jackson Games - Classic Battletech: Record Sheets 3039
Catalyst Game Labs
Randall N. Bills, Bjorn Schmidt, and David L. McCulloch - D-Total
Dr. A. F. Simkin, Frank Dutrain, and Louis Zocchi - Duel Decks: Jace vs Chandra
Wizards of the Coast
Erik Lauer and Ken Nagle - Living Arcanis T-Shirt
Paradigm Concepts, Inc
Pedro Barrenechea, Henry Lopez, Nelson Rodriguez, and Eric Weiner - Wicked Munchkin Bag & Die
John Kovalic and Patryk Strzelewicz
Role-Playing Game Supplements
- Buccaneers of Freeport
Green Ronin Publishing
Ari Marmell, Anthony Pryor, Rodney Thompson, and Robert Vaughn - Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Wizards of the Coast
Bruce Cordell, Ed Greenwood, and Chris Sims - Hero Lab
Lone Wolf Development
Rob Bowes and Colen McAlister - Serenity Adventures
Margaret Weis Productions
Alana Abbot, Billy Aguiar, James Davenport, Ted Reed, and James M. Ward - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Wizards of the Coast
Rodney Thompson, Sterling Hershey, John Jackson Miller, and Abel Pena
WINNER: Serenity Adventures
Role-Playing Games
- Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Players Handbook
Wizards of the Coast
Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt - Mouseguard Role-Playing Game
Archaia Studios Press
Luke Crane and David Petersen - Trail of Cthulhu, The
Pelgrane Press Ltd
Kenneth Hite, Robin D Laws, Jerome Huegenin, and Simon Rogers
WINNER: Mouseguard
Card Games
- Dominion
Rio Grande Games
Donald X Vaccarino - Monty Python Fluxx
Looney Labs
Andrew Looney - Red Dragon Inn 2
Slugfest Games
Geoff Bottone, Colleen Skadl, and Cliff Bohm - Ticket to Ride Card Game
Days of Wonder
Alan R. Moon - Trailer Park Wars
Gut Bustin’ Games
Lisa Steenson
WINNER: Dominion
Board Games
- Agricola
Z-Man Games, Inc.
Uwe Rosenberg - Ninja vs. Ninja
Out of the Box Publishing
Tushar Gheewala - Pandemic
Z-Man Games, Inc.
Matt Leacock - TOMB
Alderac Entertainment Group
John Zinser - Wealth of Nations
TableStar Games
Nico Carroll
WINNER: Pandemic
WINNER: Flames of War Firestorm Campaign
Thanks to James Ernest for being a juggling host with nightmares, and to GAMA for running the event and providing an easily copy and paste-able list of nominees.
This is awesome, Mouseguard beat the 4e PHB!
Only three RPG nominees? Is the offer that poor this year?
Villiers: No, as far as I can tell, two entries were disqualified after the nominations were announced before the voting happened… almost certainly due to when the releases were timed, and not any other reason.
Thanks for throwing this up. Couldn’t find it anywhere else yet!
Dave Chalker forgot to mention that he is the genius who came up with the SELECT-O-MATIC 5000 terminology technology for Say Anything. Congratulations to Dave for his creative contribution to the Origins Party Game award winner!
Dom: I’m far too modest for anything like that… now, where’s MY award statue? 🙂
We’re keeping it safe at my place. You can come over anytime to gaze upon it. As long you as you don’t make any sudden movements, everything will be fine.