Last week The Main Event posted an Inquisition on a topic that I love to discuss, power creep in 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. With people voting on which parts of the PHB2 they thought most displayed power creep, 42% of you actually don’t think there’s much power creep in the book at all! In a close second 37% of you think that the feats are getting towards power creep, most likely due to the Half-Elf paragon feat and the Weapon/Implement feats that are pretty much must-haves. Rounding out the poll character Backgrounds came in with 16% and the new classes had 15% of you thinking they’re overpowered.
About this time every year we begin to look at the summer movie season and figure out what everyone is going to be seeing. Last year the Dark Knight and Indiana Jones topped the list, and back in 2007 Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Carribean 3, and Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix were the most popular. This year it looks like we have a great selection of movies to choose from, as nearly every weekend of the summer has a potentially awesome movie coming out (with GI Joe being potentially awesome/horrible).
May 1st – X-Men Origins: Wolverine
May 8th – Star Trek
May 21st – Terminator Salvation
May 29th – Pixar’s Up
June 26th – Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
July 1st – Public Enemies
July 17th – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
August 7th – GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra
August 21st – Inglorious Basterds
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Was looking forward to Wolverine, but a friend saw a leaked copy and it’s apparently bad bad worse.
I said I’d see Wolverine, but it depends a lot on the reviews of the FINISHED copy.
Star Trek is getting really good early reviews right now, so that has taken the position as most anticipated for me.
Star Trek is #1 on my list, with G.I. Joe second. I’ll probably see Transformers and Wolverine, but I won’t be heartbroken if I wait for DVD.
Kameron´s last post: Where do you start a story
Star Trek is actually number one for me too, much to my suprise. If you told me a year ago that I would be saying that I would have called you an idiot. Never really got much out of the old films, but the previews for the new one look pretty stellar.
I’m really looking forward to Terminator. I’ve been a fan of the franchise for a while and The Sarah Connor Chronicles have been really awesome.
Also looking forward to the Transformers movie. I’m one of those freaks who loved the first movie, so I’m excited for the sequel.
Hadn’t even heard of the GI Joe movie until now. Based on nothing other than the title I’m excited for it. 😀
Not a huge Harry Potter fan, but I like the movies, and my fiancée is a big fan so I’m sure I’ll see that.
Not a fan of Star Trek at all, but I’m mildly curious about the series reboot.
Not terribly excited about the Wolverine movie, but I probably will see it. Wolvie’s always been my favorite X-man since I was a kid.
Asmor´s last post: An Open Letter to Wizards of the Coast
The question really is theatre vs. netflix. Now, the current forecast projects that all of my selections will be netflix, but who knows. I would say that no matter what, Inglorious, Wolverine, and possibly Terminator would be rent, whereas I’ll probably stalk the theatre and sneak in no matter what for Transformers 2 🙂
I’m not holding my breath in anticipation over Star Trek. I’ll go see it. It might be a good movie. But EVERYTHING I’ve seen so far indicates it’s not Star Trek.
Call me a Star Trek Groganard, but I DON’T want the Trek universe re-imagined. Seasons 1-3 of Enterprise were bad enough
Vulcan Stev´s last post: Role Playing: where my hobbies meet
I can’t miss Inglorious Basterds, I love all things Tarantino. I really don’t see how people, especially those who read the books, are still watching the Harry Potter movies, they are just terrible now. I’ll see Star Trek in theater as well, the rest will be Netflixed unless my daughter gets animated about Up.
There’s a lot I’d like to watch from that list, most just as a curiosity though so I’m not sure if I’ll go watch it in the theatre or wait for a 3 pound DVD to come out…