The day has finally arrived. This is officially our 1,000th post. (Or as joshx0rfz put it, l,ooo in reverse 1337. DID THAT JUST BLOW YOUR MIND?)
While we’ll reserve much of the celebration for our third anniversary coming up in October (which may involve me spending a good deal of money to give the place a much needed overhaul), I thought I’d showcase some of our favorite posts, in no particular order:
- Blizzard’s Big Announcement of Cowboycraft, when both Bartoneus and myself were online the eve before the real announcement, and started talking about how hilarious it would be to not be Starcraft 2.
- What is a Good Game Anyway? Like most of my Critical Threats series on game design, I definitely see room for improvement, but I was really elated to have Raph Koster actually respond to me!
- Fallout 3: An Outsider’s Inside View, Bartoneus’s excellent writeup, and our very first brush with being real journalists.
- Pain of Campaigning III: The Plot Thickens, TheMainEvent’s series on DMing is all around solid, but this is my particular favorite of the series from early on.
- Critical Hits Gift Guide #1: DVDs (2006), possibly my favorite post that I’ve ever written, just because of how much work and research I put into it. And how many times do I get to write articles about Lord of the G-Strings? (That’s a post I should consider re-doing this holiday season.)
- Real Ultimate Showdown Round 1: See where it all began! (Spoiler alert: Dragons won.)
- They Call me Monsieur Blob: A behind the scenes look at what it’s really like being a game designer.
- So what IS D&D anyway? I kicked off a firestorm of comments with my rant about those who decide what D&D is and isn’t. (Including ranting at myself.)
- Inq. of the Week: Classic Game Trilogies, possibly the most evil poll… EVER!
- Sweet Merciful Crap: By popular demand, we must once again point you to the Knights of Cydonia music video for your daily dose of awesome.
- Any random post is good!
Thanks for reading, and hopefully see you in another 1000!
a) That DVD gift guide…8 pingbacks, no comments…wow…
b) Jedi should’ve won… :'[
c) Oh, yea…congrats and stuff…
Reverend Mike’s last post: Happy Large Hadron Collider Day!
That’s great work guys! Going through your archives was fun!
Here’s to 1000 more!
And they call me Chatty! Pfa!
ChattyDM’s last post: Epic Laundry Basket: Buried. Happy, but buried.
Thank you for existing and for entertaining me.
Wow, not sure if I’ve ever been thanked for existing before. 😀
The more staggering part of this being the 1,000th post is how many of those Dave posted! I’m sure all of those delicious stats will show up in a month for our anniversary post (as usual).
Yeah, Dave should get staff who actually write articles instead of just leaving comments…
joshx0rfz’s last post: 1d1000 Posts
BAH!…without us comment-bloggers, there’d be no satisfaction for said blogger other than getting his ideas out there to anonymous nobodies…validation is essential for the blogger to reach the 5th Maslow-nian level…
Reverend Mike’s last post: The LHC Was Built By Mad Supergeniuses!
Once again the Rev drankth from the fountain of truth and spewth the wisdom of ages.
I <3 badly spelled old English!
The Chatty DM’s last post: Epic Laundry Basket: Buried. Happy, but buried.
That’s olde English to you buddy!
joshx0rfz’s last post: 1d1000 Posts
I am majoring in Philosophy, Religion and Physics!…
Reverend Mike’s last post: The LHC Was Built By Mad Supergeniuses!
…and Motion Pictures with a minor in Psychology…
What am I doing?!…
Reverend Mike’s last post: Flash Friday: Our Beloved Master (WE LOVE YOU!) Has Decided To Honor You!
Looks to me like you’re majoring in commenting! Ho ho ho.
The congratulations keep comming from me! Keep on postin!
Dave: Nice burn!
Rev/Vanir/Count/Darvin: Thanks!