We had a gathering last night for the premiere of the new breed of American Gladiators (on NBC), and it was definitely two of the most entertaining hours of television I’ve ever experienced. Tonight there is at least one more episode on at 8pm, and we will definitely be posting a review / recap later today or tomorrow. The only thing we could hope for is the return of the mighty Malibu! So far this year is turning out to be as good a year as can be expected for television without writers.
Two weeks ago we asked if everyone has hopes for 2008 out-shining good old 2007 and it looks like 76% of you are excited to see what the new year will bring. Then last week Dave wanted to find out what the best games of 2007 were, with his own picks (biases aside) being Rock Band and the excellent board game Space Dealer. Other’s answers included Wii Sports, D&D, Guitar Hero 3, more Rock Band, Civ 4, and rounding out with some good old-fashioned D&D.
For the last week Dave and I have been discussing a lot of things relative to his D&D game, especially when it concerns player alignments. That’s why this week we’re asking…
[poll id=”60″]
As a DM, I prefer the good alignments as they are tailor made for self-sacrificing heroes. I also have a sweet spot for non-jerk Chaotic Neutral as I love to give those egoistical bastards some conflicting priorities that make them reluctant heroes..
As a player and part time overlord, I have a soft spot for some Lawful Evil. Building your empire of evil one gp at the time. 🙂
Just can’t help loving the almighty pally, and as such the lawful good alignment. So fun to be pigheadedly righteous! such easy decision making!
I love being a force for change and progress, and an enemy of conformity! Chaotic Neutral Uber Alles!
(great post title too)
Wait, there are other alignments besides lawful good?!
I like Chaotic Good. Gonna do what they please. But lean toward doing the right thing.
ugh, I hate alignments.
Lawful Neutral…because somebody has to lay down the unbiased law whenever party conflict comes around…
A properly motivated Lawful Evil character makes for an intriguing anti-hero in the party or a villain that allows for a personality beyond the senselessly evil. However, that takes planning and foresight, and I think Neutral Good is the alignment that makes for the easiest to handle heroics in parties.
I’m very shocked that as of now True Neutral and Chaotic Evil haven’t gotten any love, where are the undecided and the pure villains??
Lawful Good seems to offer the easiest opportunity for adventure. As a DM I like Lawful Evil: A whole nation of evil!
Ive gone with neutral evil, though evil is fun its better to sit on the fence and choose evil actions covertly!
I chose Lawful Good and got a error pop-up that said: “Choose a valid poll answer.” It cracked me up.