Two weeks ago Dave asked about your views on Web-vertising and it looks like a large majority just tune out Google ads all together, a whopping 48% of you! Smaller groups found them sometimes handy but mostly unobtrusive or make effective use of sophisticated ad-blocking software to make sure that they are none-the-wiser to this ‘internet marketing hub-bub’. Last week we had a slight lapse in communication (my fault) which resulted in Monday going without an Inquisition, rest assured that I was appropriately flogged as is our custom.
At some point in the last two weeks I found out that one of my friends “doesn’t play X-Box games”, he then followed up with the fact that he doesn’t play Gamecube, Playstation, or any videogames that aren’t on the computer or pre-N64 era consoles. That’s when I realized it’d be a good idea to find out exactly what all of you play, similar to the console Inquisition we had a few weeks ago except including all types of gaming. Pretty much every time I do a general Inquisition like this I check back over the last year to make sure we haven’t done it before, I’m fairly sure we haven’t done exactly this before, but 10 points to someone if they prove me wrong!
[poll id=”55″]
Edit: Dave reminded me that I left Miniatures Games out, so I’ve added them in. If you’re one of the first 5 people who voted and you play miniatures games please let me know and I’ll add in the votes. Sorry for the original oversight!
Poll seems to be skewed, wont let me vote. “Please enter valid poll answer” is the popup
The same thing happened to me, try voting in the sidebar instead of in the post itself? That’s what worked for me in the end, Dave is looking into the issue to see if we can fix it.
You can also go to the post’s page by clicking on the title and voting there.
What DON’T I play? 🙂
Everything but those gorramn miniatures…
I like paying for things once and then never again…or just getting them for free like God intended…
My sources tell me the trinity endorses internet piracy…
You know that reminds me of a great idea for a search engine:
you type in your opinion, and the engine returns bible verses that support your view. I’ll have to get right on that.
Are we lumping handheld gaming in with consoles? Lately, I’ve been playing my DS almost daily.
Count: Yea I would lump handhelds into consoles, only because I don’t want to edit the poll and add them in now, sorry for yet another omission!
Out of curiosity, what DS games are you playing? (or have played that you really enjoyed?)
RE: “Out of curiosity, what DS games are you playing? (or have played that you really enjoyed?)”
Puzzle Quest (a light RPG with a Bejeweled foundation) is a favorite of both myself and the missus (she has her own DS, yes it’s pink). I also love Lost In Blue 2 (which is to Lost In Blue 1 what Evil Dead 2 was to Evil Dead [the movies, not the games]). Recently I played Jewel Quest Expeditions to completion and am currently methodically cooking for all gold in Cooking Mama.
Puzzle Quest is an excellent game, my wife and I played a lot of it on PSP and I should probably go back and beat it sometime soon.