Our Classic Game Trilogies Inquisition was a big hit with people being forced to make the tough choice between many of their favorite classic games. Coming in tied at first place with 24% each is the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Mario Bros. 3. Second place rightfully goes to Final Fantasy 3/6 with 19%, followed by Super Metroid in third. We’re really sorry for posting what was deemed the “most evil polls ever”, but thankfully many of you are Paladins and could easily resist it’s demonic tendrils.
With our poll two weeks ago flopping so badly, both Dave and I were amazed at the percentage of readers who don’t even own X-Box 360’s and therefore don’t care too much about Halo 3. Today I’m really curious what consoles you guys DO own (or have owned), because last week’s poll proved that we do indeed play videogames it just appears that we all are still stuck on the classics. So here it is:
Genesis, PS1, PS2, Gamecube.
Next up: Wii…. as soon as I can get my hands on one in Montreal.
Chatty: Did you vote? ๐
And I can’t believe how hard it STILL is to find a Wii, I’ve seen a PS3 in pretty much every store I’ve looked in but never a Wii. Too bad I’m not really looking to buy one anymore, not for a while at least.
Got mine at the EB Games in my hometown…they get a shipment of 2/day over there, which means you need to know when that shipment comes in, or you may end up losing out to somebody who came for their Wii a few minutes earlier…which is what happened to me on a few occasions…
The Wii worth it tho…
I miss my Super Nintendo…
I almost got a Wii during the crazed phase around the holidays last year. I’m so glad I held out and used the money on a 360 instead. I’ll probably pick up a Wii some day when something interesting comes out on it and I can view it as more than a control gimmick.
I didn’t see the original Sega Master System in the list.
Yea, I excluded some minor systems like the Sega Master System, Odyssey, and a few others that either very few people will have heard of or that sold particularly poorly. Sorry, but you can take the walk of shame for owning one anyway! ๐
Am I the only one who had Super Megason IV?
It’s easier to vote for the ones that I haven’t owned. ๐ Right now I just have an X-Box, a PS2 and a Wii. And a Gamecube, somewhere.
We had a Dreamcast for a while, but I don’t think I personally ever played a game on it.
I loved my Dreamcast but I didn’t have very many games for it. Still, it was tons of fun and for some reason, I loved that controller that most people seemed to hate.
my parents were avid anti-video game for years. The most I ever got to play was our old Commador64 (I loved that thing!).
Wasnt until I was like 14 and shelled out my own money for a super NES did we get a system, traded that thing for a N64 shortly after they came out and then got a PS1 from my grandmother at christmas one year…
Im not going to be buying any more game systems for awhile I think, as much as I love playing games I dont have the cash or the time for them anymore..ahh adulthood, tis wonderful!
Wooglin- the Dreamcast controller remains among my favorites. The Xbox controller seemed pretty close to it, which is why I had no problems going to the Xbox.
I remember the Commodore 64. That was an awesome machine. I learned to program on the Commodore. Right down to the metal, too… POKE-ing hex-codes into memory addresses. Good times, good times.
And it was probably the best consumer-grade computer of 1984-1986.
Incidentally, the Commodore 64 and 128 are STILL in use today. And, no, I don’t mean public schools, that last graveyard of yesteryear computing. I mean doing real, actual work. Such as being a web server. Yeah you heard me… an old 8-Bit computer from the 80s with only 64K of RAM can _serve webpages_.
There’s even a multi-tasking graphical OS that’s been developed for the Commodore (though it now runs on other platforms as well).
That is one damn awesome machine.
I had a Commodore 64 in my room. I remember playing RoboCop and a really hard “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” game. I also remember that my dad had to teach me how to use a command line to play games on it.
I think I had that “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” game too, actually.
You’re right. It was ridiculously hard. I don’t think I ever beat it.
If I recall correctly, there was a sequence of mini-games leading up to a final confrontation in the Acme Warehouse where you had to get the badguys to laugh themselves to death by using various gags situated around. But you had to use a variety, since if you used one or even a multitude of gags too much, the humor wore off and the bad guy stopped laughing.
Kinda like the Incredible Machine.
But much, much more difficult.
Oh I bet I know who that one person is who voted for the Sega 32x!! ๐
DarthCthulhu- yep, though before that, there was a series of increasingly hard “Steer the Taxi” levels that always destroyed me. Much in the same way the speeder level of Battletoads on NES always destroyed me.
O- CRAP! I’ve been found out!
I like that SegaCD isn’t on the list, but 32X is just to make me do the walk of shame.
Hey you guys forgot about the TurboGrafx 16
The TurboGrafx was another one I selectively forgot/left out for some reason, I apologize if that is some sort of grievous error on my part!
Where were these 10+ 360 owners two weeks ago during the Halo 3 poll??? I am very intrigued by the results we’ve gotten so far, and that the good ol’ NES is in the lead for being the most owned!
hey the game…
/Run C:/SpyHunter
I seem to remember that being the command right? its been SO long.. I do remember RUN being a key factor
[geek alert]
That’s a DOS command prompt running. The Commodore that I had ran entirely off of 5.25″ floppies, and had much more arcane command lines to run the programs (including several – extensions). Josh may have a better geek memory than I do on it.
The command for launching most programs on the Commodore 64 from the floppy disk drive was:
LOAD "(programname)",8,1
Most commercial games had a shortcut:
LOAD "*",8,1
There was also an expansion called the Fastload Cartridge which was a bunch of disk utilities that could dramatically speed up disk I/O.
I don’t quite recall, but I think the numbers had something to do with the address of the parallel port and the sector on the disk to look into.
Incidentally, Dave, with regards to Rodger Rabbit… I believe the trick to getting past those Drive The Taxi stages was to go slow and ONLY drive on the tops of buildings. This allows you to easily avoid the obstacles on the road proper. Fundamentally, it didn’t matter much if you actually beat the bad guys in the race to get where you were going; there was only a slight time penalty.
Darth got it on the nose, lol I just about had a brain hemorage as all the memories of typing that in over and over came back to me
incidently one of my favorite games for the C64 was Bruce Lee, this freaking thing was so hard I could never make it past the second level!
Commodore 64 FTW!
Man I played a lot of RPG games on mine. Sword of Fargoal, Phantasie I, Questron, Legacy of the Ancient, Adventure Construction Set, Might and Magic 1….
And there was also The Bard’s Tale 1, 2, and 3 and Wasteland. Plus all those wonderful Infocom games. Moonmist, Seastalker, Zork, Wishbringer, Planetfall, Leather Goddesses of the Phobos…
Moonmist was great for screwing around in. You could go to dinner naked.
Mmm…I’m too young to have understood those good ol’ days…
But on another note, mooched off a roommate and played Halo 3…
Turns out there’s such thing as a shotgun spree…to my utter joy…