So, how about that Halo 3, huh?… ::crickets::
Over 80% of you don’t own an Xbox 360, and won’t be picking one up to see what happens to the intrepid Master Chief and his supply of Mountain Dew. (No wonder Super-Soldiers were eliminated right away in the Real Ultimate Showdown.) At least 3 of you are hardcore and picked it up as soon as you could, and 3 of us decided to buy the game when the lines had died down a bit. I really want to buy it, but I have the feeling that it would impact my performance in grad school. Plus, my Halo 1 & 2 co-op partner moved to Canada, and I don’t have Xbox Live (still don’t want to pay for an adapter) so it just wouldn’t be the same!
Game trilogies and series have been around since the NES. They may seem more prevalent, and indeed it does seem like the big companies are way more interested in churning out sequels than coming up with new ideas. However, that doesn’t mean that the sequels are any worse than the originals… indeed, because of technology advancing, I often enjoy them more. (This is different than the movies, as we’ve discovered.) Inspired by the huge Halo 3 launch, and in playing more classic games via the Wii’s virtual console, I ask…
[poll id=”47″]
I’ve defined “classic video games” to be Super Nintendo era and before. If there are any that you feel absolutely must be included, leave a comment, and my crack team of researchers will look into it!
[image credit: Mushroom Kingdom for this snapshot of the classic movie The Wizard]
You realize, of course, that you’ve basically asked a question akin to having to choose between my heart, lungs, and brain.
Why didn’t you put like Megaman 3 and Crash Bandicoot 3 or something? It’s just too damn hard! And I like breathing!
There’s a particular game designer joy that I get from people making difficult decisions. It’s just some flaw in our brains, akin to sadism.
Of course, it was hard for me too. Ultimately I had to go with the game I’ve replayed the most. Thankfully in real life I didn’t have to choose between Super Mario 3 and Final Fantasy 3.
GTA3, clearly.
But maybe you were only listing 3s that had strong 1s and 2s? I’m uncertain because I haven’t played any of the games listed, nor their predecessors (though I have played a few of their progeny).
GTA3 misses the cut for being a “classic” game by how I defined it, but clearly I’ll need to do a modern version of the poll! (After Guitar Hero 3 comes out, at least)
What a heartbreaker. As much as I loved FF3 I think the sheer joy I got from playing Zelda when it first came out is unbeatable. FF3 sure offered longer gameplay and more secrets, but it was dense and often required asking friends how to proceed, whereas Zelda was all me…
I actually had to wait and see which games were getting more love before I voted, I am so split between Final Fantasy 3, A Link to the Past, Mega Man 3, Super Mario Bros. 3, AND Super Metroid. In the end I voted for Super Metroid, because I feel it will get the least love out of any of the ones listed and it is definitely on par for how many times I played it through but also just how much I loved it growing up.
UGH what a tough one!
Oh yea and I’m totally building a TV like that. Then we can have old-school SMB3 tournaments where finding the flute is somehow not a game-breaker, and we can all revel in the days when a movie was actually used to give away secrets in a videogame.
Agh, this is such a hard choice. In the end, I’m gonna have to go with Super Metroid, with Zelda in close second and FFVI, SMB3, and MM3 all up for third.
My sources deep within the bowels of the Canadian Hierarchy have returned from that icy land of featureless tundric wasteland with rumors concerning that Halo 1 & 2 multiplayer partner.
Many moose spies died to bring you this information.
Apparently, he will be returning to the Land of Crabs real soon. Unfortunately, while he _did_ have a 360, he’s already sold it; the only thing that he liked on it was Dead Rising and eventually tossing jugs of orange juice at the undead lost its luster (which came as a shock to me; I could lob juice at undead forever and not be bored).
Oh, and the Canadians are also making some kind of ‘Big Star of Death, eh’ or something. I donno. Didn’t seem too important, so I didn’t have my moose spies dig deeper.
Besides, it’s mating season.
Ouch, what a toughy! I went with LttP. It was a real toss up between that an SMB3. Of course, FF was up there, too. What a great poll!
Chose Link to the Past…SMB3 came in second and lost out simply because of my love affair with the LoZ series…
Anyone who did not vote for the only real choice is dead to me.
If you have to ask me what the “one real choice” is, you were never “alive” to me in the first place 🙂
Wow. Hardest poll question ever! So many of those games up there are unfairly good. It was almost impossible to decide, but in the end, I had to go with my favorite all time game…Super Metriod. But making me choose that over several of my other favorite games (FF3, SMB3, LoZ) was too cruel!
Mwahaha. I’ve finally crafted a poll of pure evil.
Pure evil? Hardly.
If it was pure evil, EVERYONE would be agonizing over the choices, now wouldn’t they?
I, however, never being much of a console player, haven’t really played any of those games. Therefore, my choice was obvious and not in the least difficult.
Still it is 98.7% evil. That’s a good start!
Or it implies that you sir are pure evil, thus in agreement with the poll. OR PERHAPS the poll itself is so evil, that it defies even a 100% success rate.
Anyway, save vs. evil poll.
Wooo!…finally being a Paladin pays off!…
I’ve only played three of those games, and picked FF3. It was a toss-up between that and Link to the Past, which was the first SNES game I played (over, and over, and over).