[This round is over, go vote in the FINAL ROUND]
Eight groups enter, only four will advance. The epic battle to determine what is the coolest thing of all rages on. Some unexpected warriors have made it this far, but they still have difficult battles ahead of them.
Below are the four match ups for the week. Remember to vote for WHO YOU WANT TO WIN! Six of you still have a shot at winning the grand prize… get the word out for everyone to vote!
Ninjas vs. Dragons
The purpose of a ninja is to flip out and kill people… but dragons are not people. Shuriken were no match for dragon’s scales, and the ninjas were vaporized by the dragon’s flame. WINNER: Dragons
Cowboys vs. Vampires
Wooden bullets and holy water bullets proved to be completely unfeasible. They trusted in vampire proof hats sold to them by a snake-oil salesman, which didn’t deliver. The vampires feasted well that night. WINNER: Vampires
One of the tougher matches we’ll see. Dragons may have the advantage of pure power, but vampires are notoriously difficult to get rid of. The problem is that both the combatants are patient and long lived adversaries… will we see a conclusion to this battle in our lifetimes?
Badass Action Heroes vs. Jedi
They had automatic weapons. They had powerful martial arts skills. They had fast cars and faster women. Unfortunately, all those are insignificant compared to the Force. WINNER: Jedi
Slashers vs. Robots
Jason stood there for days trying to hack away at their hard metal shells. Freddie tried to enter their dreams. Mike Myers tried to bite them. It wasn’t until Pinhead came at them with a bucket of water did they activate weapons systems and mow them down once and for all. WINNER: Robots
It’s been pointed out before that we’ve seen Jedi versus Robot fights plenty of times. But maybe, they were just trying to lull the Jedi into a false sense of security. Robots are well programmed in “acceptable losses”…
Pegasi vs. Secret Agents
If only you could have seen this battle. Secret Agents leaping off from tall buildings, grabbing onto the legs of Pegasi, steering them into walls then leaping off at the last second. No, wait, they just used guns. WINNER: Secret Agents
Wizards vs. Space Rebels
“It’s a Fire Trap!” The space rebellion tried to overthrow the tyranny of the Magocracy, but was no match for… oh, let’s say Meteor Swarm. WINNER: Wizards
This may seem a bit one-sided. But remember, wizards have to sleep for a long time to re-memorize spells, giving the Secret Agents ample time to strike.
Super Scientists vs. Pirates
“Arrr, we shall be singing tales for many a year of boarding the great steam-ships and cutting down the scurvy scientists. They tried to fire their fancy rayguns at us, but they was no match for a flintlock and a cutlass.” WINNER: Pirates
Giant Animals vs. Predators
Where does an 800 pound gorilla lie down to die? Answer: anywhere the predator wants him too. WINNER: Predators
Yes, PvP at last! You’d think that after defeating Cthulhu that all the Pirates battles would seem easy in comparison. But they may meet their match in the ultimate hunters.
Y’all Pirates better be able to take those gorramn bookworms down…if I’m gonna be fighting the equivalent of a rancor on crack, it’s the least you can do…
Sry…just foreshadowing…back to reality…
AAAAA! Scary robutts!…
That’s assuming Pirates win…the Ninja crowd needs retribution for being knocked out too early!!!
Go Dragons! I just don’t want Vampires to win.
Vengeance for defeating the werewolves, eh? That’s why I’m glad Slashers got stomped last round.
It looks like I was totally wrong- Vampires are getting crushed. Not a close match at all.
Yea…gorramn vampires should’ve lost to the cowboys…
How can you not go down when there’s people like Clint Eastwood, or more recently Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, against you?…
Not to mention Malcolm Reynolds and Spike from Cowboy Bebop if you want to count space cowboys…
I was deeply saddened…
Ninjas should’ve planned better and supported the black knight against the dragon…the guy would’ve bitten even Tiamat’s legs off, given enough votes…no point in taking out on the pirates…they’ll get crushed eventually…
Probably by the massive ego following the Jedi around…
seems my votes on the second tier never got saved..wth!?!
Dragons.. Im sorry with no HUMAN blood to feast on now the vampires will soon grow weak, and whats to stop dragons from attacking in the daylight? nothin!
Jedi- Weve seen jedi rip whole power converters out of walls.. what makes you think they wont crumple up robots like tin foil off a microwave dinner?
Wizards- Tough call on this one, but I think the ego will be the end of the secrent agent men.. maybe if they were called secret Asian men….
Predators- One hot plasma shot into the underbelly of their boats and there you got some dead as doornail pirates. But also the whole invisibilty and fast moving thing is to their benifit as well. When was the last time you saw a pirate swing from tree to tree?
It looks like it’s going to end up being Dragons vs Wizards, in the end.
steve- I just checked the logs, and your votes in the last bracket were counted. May just not be displaying correctly now.
“When was the last time you saw a pirate swing from tree to tree?”
Why, just the other day in fact…
The Jedi would make short work of the robots.
Need I remind you that it was the clones that saved the jedi last time there was a big battle between them and the robots? The robots could triumph, but as Reverend Mike pointed out, there is too much ego to crush.
My apologies for even referencing any portion of the prequels, I was desperate.
Dragons v. Wizards?…
I’m sorry, but I have to disconcur…
Little Lukey Skywalker killed a rancor without his lightsaber…
I realize we’re upgrading to dragons, but they’re up against both the Sith and the Jedi teaming up so they can kill all the distractions and get back to eliminating eachother…
Worse comes to worse, we’ll end up with a tie and have Jedi riding Dragons…that cannot lose…
I suppose I should also apologize for the second trilogy reference…but it’s Obi Wan…and the least crappy of the three movies…so I won’t…
..Monkey Pirates dont count!
and wth people… Pirates beating Predators? come on! Predators > all
I miss Escape from Monkey Island…
Haven’t played it since I beat 4…
Guybrush Threepwood alone wins it for the pirates, in my opinion…
He throws an accordian made of coconuts, bubble gum, a duck, a lampshade, and some swampwater at the predators…and they all die…and the monkeys rejoice…
With regards to Jedi vs Robots:
Yes, it’s true that Jedi are incredibly powerful and are capable of exploding on contact. Yes, every Jedi can slaughter a thousand Robots before being brought down. But consider:
It takes years or even _decades_ to become a Jedi. Most don’t make it. Most just wash out or become Sith.
Robots can be built on an assembly line, each one just as deadly. Production facilities and raw resources are the only limits here.
So, sure, a Jedi may be able to destroy 1000 Robots each… but as long as the Robots can build 1001 per Jedi THEY STILL WIN.
Sith count as Jedi too in this match-up, as ’twas previously stated be ??? in round 1 or 2…it’s pretty much just all force users with lightsabers…
Y’all may have HK-47, but all it takes is one quick pacifier unit installation and he’s rendered useless…
“This includes both the Jedi Order and the Sith”
– The Game…
Indeed, the Real Ultimate Showdown makes for some strange alliances…
Go pirates!
Pirates vs. Predators:
Pirates, all the way. Why?
Predator 1: Predator is killed by a lone soldier. Super Soldiers are already out, so Pirates must be better than Super Soldiers. Pirates win.
Predator 2: Predator is beaten by a cop. Yeah…
And this is who is supposed to take out a ship full of Pirates? Um, yeah..
Weird how the voting seems to get more and more polarized as we go. At this rate I expect the final battle to be completely lopsided. Why? I dunno.
Pirates, I will agree are better than super soldiers, but this tournament holds no proof of that…only that jedi are better…
BugHunter: It’s actually alternated, typically having one round with mostly polarized matches, and the next round being very even all the way through, so hopefully the final four will be very heated!
Bartoneus: Like any sort of analysis, I guess it depends on what you are looking at. Here’s what I see that I was basing that on.
Round 1: only a handful (I think less than half) of the victories won with 2/3 of the vote or more.
Round 2: 6 out of the 8 victories (75%) pulled in 2/3 of their vote or more.
Round 3: 3 out of 4 are currently taking more than 75% of their votes, and the one contest that doesn’t is almost at 2/3 right now.
Next round will probably mess this up, but it would be weird if it continued with both victories being over 75%
People are voting for pirates cause they are cool. And funny. n stuff. I voted for pirates. But they won’t beat wizards, jedi or dragons. So call it one last harrah before getting squashed.
I dunno…
I see Jedi v. Pirates in the final round…
We’ve got the ninja vote, both against the dragons for the mix up in round 2 and for the final round against the pirates due to their long running feud…
Wizards v. Pirates is a bit of a toss-up tho, making this mere speculation, but I figure the pirates’ll come up on top due to both the fanbase and the fact that bullets are faster than magic missiles…
Olde tyme bullets are faster than magic missiles? Pah! Fireball the main mast and its over….
‘Tis a good point, but!…wizards still have but a d4 hitdie while swashbucklers have a mighty d8!…not to mention the fact that swashbucklers have an incredible dexterity combined with (I may be wrong on this) evasion, making the fireball do little more than a cannonball with a 20 ft. fiery burst…
Who needs sails or rope?…wet wood isn’t the most flammable substance, even when exposed to 3d6 fire dmg in just an instant…
Plus, if y’all are out on the seas attacking us, we’ve still got the homefield advantage!…we can just knock ur little books right out of ur hands and into the water with cannonballs!…we could just shoot you with ’em, but making you cry over wet papyrus is soooo much funnier…
I’ll stop boasting pirates now…
Jedi rule!…
You aren’t a very good pirate if your entire boat is wet, that means you have sunk.
Or it’s raining…or you’re in the ocean someplace…
Plus if PotC has taught us anything, sunken boats aren’t necessarily not dangerous…
Only cool people don’t not use double negatives…