I noticed that on my last comic there somehow appeared a #1 after New Years Resolution, which could have been my subconcious zombie-mind giving subtle (and sexy) hints. Thus we have my second New Years Resolution, the second of a series, one that I only assume I should not attempt to carry out much further then, say, August. By then I will begin the dastardly deed of failing all of the aforetold resolutions and simply bathe myself in canola oil and absorb the slimy fats via osmosis. It’s all very much an Akira type process, in that it involves very large and grotesque bodies attacking cities and squashing rogue bikers with laser-guns. Perhaps that gives you a hint into my actual resolutions, to not become Tetsuo and squish my friends with my own engorged mass. It is a noble effort, one which I intend to keep, for the time being.
A Swiss Army Knife really is so handy, that you imagine yourself before you had it: clawing at packaging, tearing corks from bottles with teeth, or tweezing the tinniest of things with actual tweezers (not ones from within a knife, which are far cooler). It also allows you to carry around a nail file without fear of being asked, “Hey, are you carrying around a NAIL FILE?” Instead you can then switch it over to the knife faculty and, as they say, make with the stabby.
I can only imagine that a requirement for being Batman is the acquisition of such a Knife, only in place of a toothpick he might have an emergency cement dissolver, or instead of an f-ing sweet woodsaw he might have…a woodsaw! That’s right, it has a wood saw, for all of your carpentry-on-the-go needs. Or perhaps, were you to go camping and happen upon Woodman, it might just save your life!
I don’t really have anything specific to say, but this is a great post.
Wow. Woodman. Now that’s a man I haven’t seen in a long time. Couldn’t you kill him with one fully charged shot from Heatman’s gun?
I believe so, in fact most of the game is apparently easily beaten. Check out the 30 minute speed-run here:
I have to agree that Mega Man 2 was pretty easy to beat. It was one of the few Nintendo games that I was actually able to beat without using the Game Genie. In fact, I played the game so much that I was able to breeze get through it using only the mega buster except during portions of the game where you had to use a different weapon (i.e. final boss fight). It is definately the easiest Mega Man game I have ever played.
Hey, Mega man 2 was the first game I ever beat.
In totally unrelated news, we now make sure to keep a corkscrew in the kitchen at all times.