It’s September, and in many ways, summer is over. People are going back to school, the big holiday weekend is winding down (I spent most of it gaming), but now that we’ve seen it all and distanced it from the hype…
What was your favorite summer movie?
Nothing blew me away this summer, which is sad in many ways. There were dissapointments (X-men 3) and movies that, while solid, failed the grab the “blockbuster” status (Superman Returns.) But I’m going to have to deal with the over-hyped, under-performing, critically indecisive, most fun movie of the summer…
Snakes on a Plane.
It was the first movie in a long time that I felt like was both genuinely fun all the way through (and, as a unique feat, genuinely funny on its own AND funny to make fun of at the same time.)
While X-men 3 was definitely disappointing, I definitely loved Superman Returns and think it had everything that I would expect in a blockbuster.
As far as overall movie experience, Little Miss Sunshine coming in right at the end of the summer was by far the most enjoyable movie I’ve seen in at least a year.
Little Miss Sunshine was excellent, but not a blockbuster.
I’m going with Pirates II. I loved every minute of the money, and I hadn’t watched the first one in two years, but I felt that it satisfactorily incorporated elements from the first without overwhelming the second.