Frank Miller, creator of the seminal Dark Knight Returns and who recently got more press thanks to the Sin City movies, was in a lot of the papers due to his next project Holy Terror Batman. The gist is that Batman is going to fight Osama Bin-Laden. Miller originally announced the project after 9-11, but gave a status update at Wondercon recently.
Well, we at the critical-hits investigative team have done some indepth research, and discovered an early draft of Holy Terror, Batman!
Wow, that’s guarunteed to be a smash hit. Clearly it will be successful enough to make it to the big screen! I’m delighted to see that Batman will be like Miho from Sin City (rollerskating everywhere and punting the heads off people)….::hangs and shakes head::
What’s wrong O? Not such a huge fan of the head punting? Surely the Hostess™ pies do it for you though!
They have such tender, flaky crust! AND real fruit filling! No one can resist!
I’d stop being evil for Hostess Fruit Pies!