The crew from Evil Hat Productions with their awards for the Dresden Files RPG. Photo by Jamie Chambers.
Here are the results of the 2011 Origins Awards, announced at the 37th annual ceremony.
Traditional Card Game
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
Back to the Future
Hex Hex XL
Railways of the World the Card Game
WINNER: Back to the Future
Family, Children’s, or Party Game
Ligretto Dice
Wits & Wagers Family Edition
Word on the Street Junior
Zombie Dice
WINNER: Zombie Dice
Best Hobby Game Accessory
Color Primer: Dragon Red
Adventurers Tiles
Battlefield XP Swamp Tufts
Cthulhu Dice Bag
Battletech Hex Pack: Lakes and Rivers
WINNER: Cthulhu Dice Bag
Best Gaming Publication
No Quarter Magazine
Hamlet’s Hit Points
Family Games: The 100 Best
Shadowrun: Spells and Chrome
World at War Revelation
WINNER: Shadowrun: Spells and Chrome
Best Roleplaying Game
DC Adventures
Dragon Age Set 1
Dresden Files: Your Story
Gamma World
WINNER: Dresden Files
Best Roleplaying Game Supplement
A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide
Dresden Files: Our World
Advanced Player’s Guide for Pathfinder
Shadowrun Sixth World Almanac
Sunward: The Inner System
WINNER: Dresden Files: Our World
Best Miniature Rules
Adventures in the Lost Lands
Battletech Technical Readouts
DC Heroclix Blackest Night Starter Kit
Hordes: Primal Mk 2
Mercs Games Rules
WINNER: DC Heroclix Blackest Night Starter Kit
Best Historical Board Game
Warlords of Europe
Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honor Poland 1939
Catan Histories: Settlers of America Trails to Rails
Panzer General: Allied Assault
WINNER: Catan Histories: Settlers of America Trails to Rails
The Hall of Fame
Alex Randolph, Twixt
Erick Wujcik, Amber Diceless Roleplaying
Sid Sackson, Acquire
Best Play by Mail or Play by Email Game
Fate of a Nation
Cruenti Dei
The One Ring (A Legends Module)
Battle of the Five Armies
WINNER: The One Ring
Best Board Game
Castle Ravenloft
Defenders of the Realm
Lords of Vegas
Nuns on the Run
WINNER: Castle Ravenloft
Congratulations to all the winners.
Wow, Dresden Files just running away with every award I know so far. Pretty impressive. Also I would have thought Hamlets hit points would have won best gaming book. Huh.
Ah, that’s really too bad. Not because my pet products didn’t win, but because the nominees were actually great this year, as opposed to the final list of winners (which includes some design stinkers, regardless of popularity). I guess this is what happens when the actual winners are selected how they are. Still, that’s neither the creators’ fault nor the jurors’ fault. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners.
Gongratulations to all: winners or losers!
The award is for Best Historical Board Game, not Best Historical Wargame. Big difference, especially when it comes to the game that won.
In order to win an Origins Award should the company at least be there or have one of there games running?
No Dresden Files Game
No Wizards of the Coast
Most of the nominees weren’t there either
There were plenty of Wizards of the Coast and Dresden Files game running- I know because my friends played in them!