Thanks to Tycho, today I found the game Auditorium online and now I’m hooked. The funny thing is that I’ve only played with it at work where I don’t have speakers, but from the name and looks of it I imagine I’m missing a part of the game without the auditory experience. I guess a fun physics / puzzle game is enough for me as it is!
The game involves using various directional nodes to direct/influence flowing particles towards meters that fill up as more particles hit them, and you finish a level when you fill up each bar. The later levels incorporate whirlpool nodes and different colors for greater challenge, and possibly more but I’m currently stuck on a level so I don’t know about that yet!
You should check it out! The music is amazing!
Chgowiz´s last post: Transformations of an RPG’er
Thanks, Bart…that’s one less hour I have to devote to this damn essay on Kant’s categorical imperative…I mean, it’s time well spent and all, but I’ve only got an hour left…
Reverend Mike´s last post: LOLFacts